Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom Phim Sendai 帕颂德 邦坤碰 森代

Temple 寺庙 :Wat Bangkhunprom | 瓦邦坤碰

Monk 师父 :Somdej Phra Phuttachan Toh  |   颂德 帕 普塔禅 哆

Year 年份 :BE 2414 | 佛历 2414 年

Price 恭请价 : SGD PM for the best price | 新币 询问有关详情与行价

Stock Code 货品号码 :PM for the best price  |  询问有关详情与行价

Stock Status 物品状况 : Available / 有货

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This sacred “Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom Phim Sendai” was made by Somdej Phra Phuttachan Toh.
These batch were placed in chedi and discovered in the years 2425,2436 and 2459 in Wat Bangkhunprom. Archan Toh had built 3 temples which were respectively the Wat ChaiYo Woraviharn (Wat Ketchaiyo), Wat Rakang Kositaram and Wat Bangkhunprom (later divided into Wat Mai Amataros and Wat Intharaviharn). This piece Phim Sendai are in beautiful and good condition.

Wat Ketchaiyo - This is one of the 3 old temples built by Archan Toh, and it is famous for its 7-tier Somdej amulets. 
Wat Bangkhunprom - One of the 3 old temples built by Archan Toh, and it is famous for its material use to mix in the amulets. (Banana for the solid material, lime to make the surface white in colour)
Wat Rakhang Khositaram - One of the 3 old temples built by Archan Toh, and it is famous for their biggest Phra Somdej amulet blessing ceremony held in this royal class temple between BE 2400-2413

此批“帕颂德 邦坤碰 ”乃由普塔禅 哆所制造。当年阿赞哆将这批佛牌放置在宝塔中,并于2425、2436和2459年在邦坤碰 佛寺发现。阿赞哆建造了3座寺庙,分别是财忧佛寺(瓦给财优),瓦拉康佛寺和瓦邦坤碰(后来分为脉阿玛塔柔丝佛寺和印塔拉密函佛寺)。 这批佛牌品质与状况保持良好。

瓦给财优佛寺 - 这是阿赞哆建造的三座古老寺庙之一,以其帕颂德七层佛座而闻名。
瓦邦坤碰佛寺 - 由阿赞哆建造的三座古庙之一,以其在佛牌中的使用混合材料而闻名。 (加入香蕉为固态材料,石灰使表面变白)
瓦拉康佛寺 - 由阿赞哆建造的三座古老寺庙之一,以其最大的帕颂德佛牌开光加持仪式而闻名,这是在佛历2400年至佛历2413年间在这座皇家级寺庙举行的

BhagavaGallery: Somdej Phra Puttajarn Toh of Wat Rakhang Kositaram

Biography of Somdej Phra Phuttachan Toh

Somdej Toh (1788-1872; B.E. 2331-2415), known formally as Somdet Phra Buddhacarya (Toh Brahmaramsi) was one of the most famous Buddhist monks during Thailand's Rattanakosin Period and continues to be the most widely known monk in Thailand.He is widely revered in Thailand as a monk who is said that he possessed magical powers and his amulets are widely sought after. His images and statues are some of the most widespread religious icons in Bangkok.

Somdej Toh was born in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, the illegitimate son of King Rama II. He studied the Buddhist scriptures of the Pāli Canon with several Buddhist masters. After becoming a well-known monk, he became the preceptor for Prince Mongkut, later King Rama IV, when Mongkut became a monk. During Rama IV's reign Somdej Toh was given the ceremonial name Somdej Phra Phuttacarya (Toh Brahmaramsi) by the King and used to be one of his trusted advisers, having left a lot of teaching stories around him and the King.

He was noted for the skill of his preaching and his use of Thai poetry to reflect the beauty of Buddhism, and for making amulets called Somdej. The amulets were blessed by himself and other respected monks in Thailand. He also appears in many versions of the story of the ghost Mae Nak Phra Khanong, and he is said to be the one to finally subdue her. Somdej Toh also wrote the chinnapanjara katha Buddhist script, a protective magical incantation which is widely chanted and used by Thais.

顺迪 帕 普塔禅 哆传记

颂德哆(公元1788-1872; 佛历 2331-2415),正式名为 颂德 帕 普嗒卡亚(哆 叭玛然丝)是泰国拉达那哥辛时期最著名的高僧之一,时至今日仍然是全泰国最知名的圣僧。据说他是泰国拥有神奇力量与法术的高僧,因此他所制作的佛牌受到广泛追捧。他的法像和雕像是曼谷最常用于佛寺膜拜和宗教精神的象征。

颂德哆出生于大城府帕那空,是拉玛二世国王的私生子。他与几位佛教大师一起研究了帕利卡能文的佛教经典。成为著名的高僧后,他成为蒙库特亲王(后来的拉玛四世泰王)的师傅,为蒙库特亲王梯度出家。在拉玛四世统治期间,泰王四世授予顺迪哆以皇家礼节名称颂德 帕 普嗒卡亚(哆 叭玛然丝),过去曾是他值得信赖的顾问之一,在他和国王周围留下了许多佛法教学故事。


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