Thursday, April 9, 2020

Rian Phra Phrom Brahma 大梵天四面佛牌

Monk 师父 :Luang Phor Eung | 龙婆恩

Year 年份 :BE2557 / 佛历 2557

Price 恭请价 : SGD 120 | 新币 一百二十元

Stock Code 货品号码 : P0115PP

Stock Status 物品状况 : Unavailable / 无货

Function 功效:

Wisdom to Succeed in business, protect from against enemies attack,
respect and well-liked by people, business success will soar to new height then ever before,
wealth fetching, life smooth sailing.

商机每时每刻都会来,财富获取,生活一帆风顺,增加人缘 ,增加财运,人生与事业一帆风顺。

Details 详情 :

This batch of "Rian Phra Phrom Brahma" is made by Luang Phor Eung of Wat Cheng Huay, Bangkok. This is a fabulous collector's item indeed as it is handmade by Luang Phor Eung himself.
He is very famous in making Phra Pirab holy items.

这批“大梵天四面佛牌”是由曼谷瓦臣淮佛寺的“龙婆恩”所制造的。 纯手工制造,由大师亲自加持开光。大师非常出名于制作夜叉天神。

Payment Terms & Conditions | 付款条款与条件

Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide (Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, UOB Bank, DBS/POSB Bank.

可经由任何银行电子转账付款,或 PayPal 付款。此网站坐落于新加坡,其它国家转账付款,需自付邮购费与银行转账费用。“泰国天神佛牌”网站概不包括此费用。

*Some Amulet/Rian/Turkut/Others might not come with temple packaging/box.

For more information, details or Rent, please email to: / HP:+6591810348
欲知详情,请联络以上网址 / HP: +6591810348

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